Post- och telestyrelsens beslut att utesluta Huawei från de svenska 5G-näten bryter mot det investeringsskyddsavtal som ingicks mellan Sverige och Kina 1982 och som uppdaterades 2004. Det skriver Huaweis chefsjurist Zhao Minglu i ett brev till Sveriges statsminister Stefan Löfven, utrikesminister Ann Linde, handelsminister Anna Hallberg och näringsminister Ibrahim Baylan.
I brevet, som är daterat den 31 december, skriver Huawei:
"The impact of the Swedish authorities' discriminatory actions on Huawei's investment in Sweden is already extremely prejudicial and grave. Huawei has incurred immediate and irremediable losses given that many purchase orders were cancelled following the issuance of the PTS Decision, and the ongoing negotiation of the projects was suspended. This, however, is a fraction of Huaweis losses. Immediately after the 5G auction is completed, on the 19 January 2021, MNOs will enter into the stage of massive roll-out, cancel the entirety of the planned procurements for the following 5-10 years under the existing 5G framework agreements with Huawei, and transfer to another supplier the following 5-10 years procurements which, under the existing framework agreements, are Huaweis market share. This is not only discriminatory and in breach of Huaweis existing rights, but in effect unfairly excludes Huawei from the 5G network in Sweden and deprives Huawei of the benefits of its long-term investment in Sweden. Huaweis immediate revenue loss caused by these actions is estimated at SEK 5,2 billion for the 2021-2025 period alone. As the PTS Decision refers to a period of 25 years, the total estimated revenue losses would be substantially larger."
Och fortsätter senare i brevet:
"In light of the above breaches by the Kingdom of Sweden of its international obligations under BIT, Huawei requests, pursuant to Article 6 bis of the BIT, that negotiations be undertaken as a matter of urgency with representatives of Sweden for the purposes of reaching an amicable resolution of this dispute. We are prepared to meet your delegated representatives as soon as possible.
Due to the significant and irreversible damage to Huawei Sweden and the urgency of resolving this dispute and avoiding that Huaweis investment in Sweden be further impacted negatively by the measures taken by the Swedish authorities, we truly hope that such negotiations will allow us to reach an outcome that satisfies the interests of both Huawei and the Kingdom of Sweden in the nearest future. We reserve our right to submit this dispute to international arbitration under Article 6 bis of the Sweden-China BIT, so that our legal rights are fully enforced and Sweden complies fully with its international obligations. Huawei hereby accepts the Kingdom of Swedens consent to the submission of the present dispute to International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) pursuant to Article 6 bis of the BIT.
Huawei expressly reserve its right to amend this written Notification of Dispute."
Huawei vill dock, i kontakt med Telekomnyheterna, tona ner de avslutande formuleringarna om att överlämna tvisten till skiljedomstol. Enligt dem handlar detta brev inte om något domstolshot utan om att informera Sverige om att man bryter mot gällande investeringsskyddsavtal.
Vill du läsa hela brevet från Huawei till regeringen, så skicka ett mejl till (endast för prenumeranter).