8 jan 2021 12:23
Telia anklagas för otillåtna transaktioner i Nepal
Telia och Axiata anklagas för att ha fört över stora summor pengar till en grupp investerare i samband med Telias försäljning av operatören Ncell. Det visar en rapport som Centre for Investigative Journalism-Nepal presenterade i tisdags.

Enligt rapporten har en handfull nepalesiska investerare tjänat förmögenheter genom att handla med aktier i Ncell.

"Alongside, the Swedish telecom company Telia lent Niraj Govinda Shrestha USD 230 million through a tax haven in 2012 to buy the Ncell stake from Mahato. The report stated that Shrestha claimed to have only paid Mahato USD 3 million and it is not possible to see what the money from Telia's loan was used for", skriver Communication Today.

"Our findings suggest overseas telecom giants provided money to Nepali investors to buy shares in Ncell in opaque ways, which appear to test Nepali's foreign investment rules. But Axiata denied to us that it had covertly financed the Ncell share purchase by paying money to an offshore company, called Southern Coast Ventures. Axiata stated it did not know what this company had done with the money after receiving it", citerar tidningen ur rapporten.
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