Huawei, som ju förbjudits som leverantör av utrustning till de stora operatörernas 5G-nät, vill att Post- och telestyrelsen inrättar ett forum där branschen kan diskutera vilka krav som ska gälla kring 5G i lokala nät. Det framgår av bolagets remissyttrande kring lokala 5G-tillstånd, som Telekomnyheterna tagit del av.
Så här skriver David Liu, vd för Huawei Technologies Sweden AB i yttrandet:
"With respect to PTS' remark that the local permits may be subject to conditions of importance for Sweden's security, we consider that all actors in the local networks market would benefit from clarification of those conditions. All parties, including Huawei, that can be considered concerned by a contemplated decision for a permit or a permit condition shall be equally treated and be given an opportunity to be heard prior to a decision.
We note that IMT operators and suppliers have a great deal of technological expertise and experience in deploying highly secure networks, and as such we look forward to working with PTS and stakeholders in developing the relevant regulatory requirements for the 5G local private networks. We suggest PTS to establish a forum for discussions on the demands of the industry in relation to 5G local private networks, and the definition of such requirements.
Huawei also hopes that any additional conditions should be fact-based and adhere to the principles of transparency, non-discrimination, technology neutrality and proportionality in consistence with European laws. With only a few IMT vendors present, it should also take into consideration the impact of competition in the Swedish telecom market. Sufficient competition will ensure fair cost and reasonable service prices and will drive for healthy growth and innovation."