Kenneth Fredriksen, som är Huaweis ansikte utåt på den nordiska marknaden, talar nu ut om sina tankar kring krishantering i den norska podcasten Game Changing Minds.
Så här skriver han själv på LinkedIn:
"This is actually the first time I shared my thoughts on something as complex as crisis management - How I´ve learnt to handle it, both on a personal level and as a professional and leader.
The podcast Game Changing Minds podcast just released the episode on Crisis management and I´m pleased to have joined together with kjersti hobøl and Siri Børsum in the studio, as we had a very interesting, but most importantly honest and straightforward discussion.
Something I´ve learned from experience is that people tend to mistake a crisis for a problem or a challenge. In fact, If you look at the situation from a broader perspective you can usually find a rational solution based on your core values as a company."
Här kan du lyssna på podden (på norska):