29 nov 2021 13:13
Telia och Telenor vill att Google är med och betalar näten
Tolv av Europas största operatörer, bland dem Telia och Telenor, vill att de stora globala teknikjättarna såsom Google, Facebook och Netflix, ska vara med och finansiera näten. Det framgår av ett brev som de gemensamt har skrivit till EU, med tre förslag på hur Europa ska säkra den digitala övergången.

"We now need concrete and immediate action to seize the opportunity and fuel further technological innovation and inclusivity. Europe’s global role cannot be limited to buying and regulating the technology built by others: we must create the conditions for homegrown digital infrastructure and services to thrive and set global standards that others can aspire to", skriver de och pekar på åtgärder inom tre områden:

• A clear alignment between European digital leadership ambitions and competition policy. The positive signals on industry collaboration – ranging from network sharing to IPCEI projects and other forms of cooperation – are important steps forward and should be reinforced. Building scale in the telecoms sector remains a priority, inside markets as well as across markets: this is in the strategic interest of the EU and its citizens.

• Strong political buy in to ensure that regulatory action fosters investment in gigabit networks, which will require 300bn euro additional investment. Regulation must fully reflect market realities, now and in the future. Namely, that telecom operators compete face-to-face with services by big tech, in the context of vibrant markets. High spectrum prices and auctions that artificially force unsustainable entrants into the market must end. Recent ideas to alter a European Commission proposal by extending retail price regulation to international calls – a competitive market where many free alternatives exist – are at odds with the Digital Decade targets: we estimate that they would forcibly remove over 2bn euro revenues from the sector in a 4 year period, which is equivalent to 2.5% of the sector’s yearly investment capacity for mobile infrastructure. In addition, the on-going policy work on reducing the cost of roll-out is of essence and should proceed speedily.

• A renewed effort to rebalance the relationship between global technology giants and the European digital ecosystem. Horizontal measures such as the Digital Markets Act play a crucial role and, for this reason, we firmly support them. In addition, we must also consider important sector-specific issues. Large and increasing part of network traffic is generated and monetized by big tech platforms, but it requires continuous, intensive network investment and planning by the telecommunications sector. This model – which enables EU citizens to enjoy the fruits of the digital transformation – can only be sustainable if such big tech platforms also contribute fairly to network costs. Furthermore, we must ensure that new industrial strategies allow European players – including telcos – to compete successfully in global data spaces, so we can develop a European data economy that is built on true European values.

Telekomnyheterna har valt att publicera förslagen i originalspråket engelska för att budskapet ska bli korrekt.

Det är vd:arna för följande opertörer som står bakom brevet: A1 Telekom Austria Group, Vivacom, Proximus Group, Telenor, KPN, Altice Portugal, Deutsche Telekom, BT Group, Telia, Telefónica, Vodafone, Orange och Swisscom.

Hela brevet finns att läsa här: https://www.etno.eu/news/all-news/717-ceo-statement-2021.html
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